Crisis + Danger = Opportunity
The idea to start a business in Uruguay goes back to a 2002 trip to Montevideo. Chris was a broker within a NYC wire-house in Del Mar, California living in a 2002 Eurovan with aspirations of finding value for clients while becoming a proficient surfer.
Simple Thesis: Why did people move from Detroit to San Diego in 1965?
Don’t fight forces, Use them. - R. Buckminster Fuller
Uruguay isn’t the perfect Utopia. Much of the government educated kids approve of centralization & believe the screen watching Rockefeller Flexner Report Medical Death Cult is a solution. Financier's in Europe who own all governments are finding it easier to build digital prison's world wide.
Architecture today sums up much of the statist quo compared to the Gilded Age when money [vs currency] was in circulation and real skills were essential.
Sacrificing essential Freedoms 4 Convenience appears popular.
Kool thing about life is there are people awake globally > non linear thinking … one reason finding solace in the surfing tribe.. we share a common bond. Ethical transparency > mutual respect. Ownership of Human Action [von Mises].
One publication by Douglas Casey used the moniker as the title for this essay [old Chinese Proverb later coined by JFK].
Sam Zell was a self built billionaire in the United States > family arrived from Poland before WWII. Immigrants arriving with families and a ‘skin-in-the-game’ philosophical core built this country. Sam made most is fortune in real estate but understood the cycles in USA Inc were way more pronounced given the unique financial leverage given decades of subsidies to cost of capital [artificially low interest rates and access to credit]. Sam quietly sold near 85% of his commercial real estate positions by 2018 and started to accumulate gold & gold producers.
The entire western world distortion accelerated post 2008 as everyone ‘voted’ to back up the criminal financial syndicate instead of chose sobriety.
Liquidity [increasing digital monetary aggregates] vs Solvency.
All Ponzi Schemes need new participants at the end of the cycle so the creators can exit stage left quietly. Retail brokers are often haded bags of content filled with odorous excrement to peddle to lower life forms [as seen by elites].
It’s been over two decades since the last mania in ‘technological’ fraud. This new mania is impressive as these entities don’t even need to register with an exchange to get suckers to play on their ‘smart devices.’
The western world financial casino needs ever increasing more credit in the system to function. Disinformation is paramount to ensure participants remain inside the casino - now moving them digitally with ease to build the cyber prison.
Imagine if the young kids transferring their savings / energy into these shifty overnight creations recognize they are backed by the USA Inc promises to pay instead of lottery tickets to Utopia.
PsyOp No Collateral Currency has met new achievements never thought possible.
All the Perplexities, Confusions and Distresses in America arise not from defects in their Constitutions or Confederation, not from a want of Honour or Virtue, So much as from downright Ignorance of the Nature of Coin, Credit and Circulation.
- John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 25 August 1787
Wild how the CRB - commodity index and gold found near perfect lows upon the beginning of this century. The gold price traded near $254 and became a near universally hated form of Money by the highly ‘informed’ tactical thinking masses.
Severing all ties to gold [contact - essential for any mathematical formula] in 1971 was followed by the obvious devaluation…
This decade it appears the disinformation campaign has worked well as most in the public appear completely detached from their natural surroundings.
Most appear readily Innumerate.
Upon Arrival to New England the thought would be New Hampshire, ‘live free or die’ may have some subjects who consider math vs narrative.
The Eugenics / Centralization PsyOp seems to be working as long as the credit machine keeps going.
Climate PsyOp - Best described here by the creator of Greenpeace -
Government PsyOp - Illusion of Voting.
Sustainable PsyOp - How to build a Debt Based Prison where the Inmates look for more control -
Equitable solutions are rarely discussed. Some recognize there can be no elected officials at these levels where U$T auctions are not possible without a central bank.
Then we have the screen watcher economy mixed with Rockefeller medical cult > All possible thru financiers connected to James Bond > > Bank of England:
You get old enough and survive a few wipe outs in life and there is a chance of achieving wisdom not easily attained via books, schools or obtuse devices.
1st Paradigm Shift - Thrown to the Wolves at USNA - Honor Offense 4 Having Guts.
2nd Paradigm Shift - Tower 2 WTC on September 11th, 2001.
3rd Paradigm Shift - Motorcycle Crash 2021. Learning to Walk again. Gratitude.
Funny what people see & the reality of principled actions, invisible balance sheets and macro not envisioned beneath the surface.
It took a wild day in New York City to begging to really open my eyes. The next step was all about math and learning to provide value to my clients.
Excessive Backwardation in the silver market indicates a loss of confidence will be discussed soon…The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.
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