The Most Dangerous Game

Oakland Raider Rule No. 1: Cheating is encouraged. Raider Rule Number 2: See rule No. 1. - Matt Millen

Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter. - Chinua Achebe

If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment. - Marcus Aurelius [Meditations]

U N D E R > > > C O N S T R U C T I O N

In 373BC in the ancient Greek city of Helike, an unusual event was recorded. “All the mice and martens and snakes and centipedes and beetles left in a body,” wrote the Roman Claudius Aelianus. No one could explain it but then, “after the aforesaid creatures had departed, an earthquake occurred and Helike disappeared”.

In the coastal village of Bang Koey, Thailand [2004], local villagers reported a heard of buffalo by the beach suddenly “pricing their ears, gazing out to sea then stampeding to the top of a nearby hill a few minutes before the devastating Tsunami. Within the same region [continent] of shoreline facing the rogue wave, hours before 30 foot surging walls of water smashed Indian Ocean coastlines, eyewitness accounts noted elephants running for high ground while flamingos abandoned low-lying nesting areas.

Acclaimed advancements in technology this millennia during the second circumstance failed to act as proper early warning systems [tidal & earthquake sensors].

At the same time villagers retaining a connection to nature survived.

Local man-made early warning systems [tidal & earthquake sensors] failed.

Systems Engineering - Triangulation - Why study Celestial Navigation at USNA?

Primal Instinct - Intuition Importance

Disciplined > Trained workers to quick to listen & process. Not seeing ‘The End in Mind.’

Rockefeller Quote

Slow Yourself Down

"Technology has advanced to the extent that people may not understand how a particular technology works, but they do assume that it will work," said Chris Robert, associate professor of management in the MU Trulaske College of Business. "We found that people unconsciously associate technology with the notion of success, and this association influences decisions about things like financial decisions, and forecasts of business performance. It is important to determine how this assumption may affect people's choices because many important decisions involve technology in some fashion."

Spartans preparing children in the wild..

Surfers because they are exposed to the wild, have something that most of society has lost. Most of society is completely cut off from the wild, completely cut off from the natural world. They live in climate controlled automobiles or offices or houses or whatever they are. In this day and age where you have such fractured societies > who is there more prepared and more globalized and more integrated into the natural world and the global community than surfers? - Drew Kampion


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