Private Placement

It's difficult to buy when the market has declined by 30%, but in truth, a market that's fallen 30% is precisely 30% more attractive… Narrative always gives way to arithmetic, just not always quickly. - Rick Rule

The monetary standard is closely linked to the moral standard and, as such, determines the fate of humanity. - Ferdinand Lips

The greatest evil is not done now in sordid dens of crime.  It is not even done in concentration camps and labor camps.  In those we see its final result.  But it is conceived and ordered in clear, carpeted, warmed, and well-lighted offices by quiet men, with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks, who do not need to raise their voice. - C. S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters, 1942

The creation of The Federal Reserve 111 years ago has greatly facilitated numerous wars globally.

The letter S in front of ‘word’ means Sword. This 3rd Central Bank is designed to transfer wealth & centralize capital to intermediaries.

Many comprehend the FR System is aiding small groups beyond the insular ideology of ‘democracy’ [demos = mob / crazy = rule].

Most of the public today in North America seems to be struggling with higher prices denominated in Federal Reserve Notes.

A private placement, often referred to as a “non-public offering”, describes the sale of securities to a relatively small group of investors.

The participating investors are most often institutional investors such as pension funds, mutual funds and insurance companies.

Unlike an initial public offering (IPO), where the shares offered trade in the secondary markets post-issuance, the securities sold in private placements are purchased by only a select few investors.

So, why would a company do a private placement?

The regulatory rules and disclosure requirements are not as stringent in the case of a private placement because a private offering is registered with the SEC via Regulation D, placing far less compliance and reporting obligations on the underlying issuer.

Since the securities offered are not available to the general public—as with traditional public offerings—the private placement process is not subject to the same regulatory requirements.

Therefore, private placements can be a more convenient, quicker method for companies to raise capital in comparison to public offerings, resulting in less fees.

What is a Private Placement


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