
The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. - Marcus Aurelius:The Meditations [1st Book]

Your subconscious is like a computer—more complex a computer than men can build - and its main function is the integration of your ideas. Who programs it? Your conscious mind. If you default, if you don’t reach any firm convictions, your subconscious is programmed by chance—and you deliver yourself into the power of ideas you do not know you have accepted. But one way or the other, your computer gives you print-outs, daily and hourly, in the form of emotions—which are lightning-like estimates of the things around you, calculated according to your values. If you programmed your computer by conscious thinking, you know the nature of your values and emotions. If you didn’t, you don’t. - Ayn Rand, Philosophy: Who Needs It

Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind. - Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self Reliance: An Excerpt from Collected Essays, First Series

U N D E R  _  C O N S T R U C T I O N

“There is No Tomorrow.” - Apollo Creede [Rocky III]

Bike trip > > >


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