Baja Kali Sur [Culture - Mission]

Because of the quirks of our human eagerness for the immediate reward, we are forewarned that what seems easy and straightforward is deceptively so; the roundabout is in practice a counterintuitive path — of acquiring later stage advantage. - Mark Spitznagel; The Dao Of Capital: Austrian Investing in a Distorted World

Tough times helped many commodities producers become lean and mean through consolidation, mergers and cost-cutting. All that excess supply has been sopped up. - Jim Rogers

Packing for the journey was important. Six pairs of trunks, two boxes of wax, some modern sounds, and in case of injury, one bandaid. - Bruce Brown [The Endless Summer]

U N D E R - C O N S T R U C T I O N

Objective for an Economic Cross North America trip on the KLR was to embrace decentralization, utility [transport] while achieving a ‘boots on the ground’ picture of the current state of some micro economies within The United States [Plantation 13 > USA Inc].

A past with living around the world as a U.S. Naval Officer then moving into what’s left of a productive industry [Honeywell Commercial Aircraft] provided some perspective. Engaging in the securitization business post 2001 NASDAQ collapse helped move the needle on price discovery of capital.

Young people will need real capital for the potentially extremely uncomfortable paradigm shift in the next decade. Part of our understanding is math may never be embraced until it’s too late. Europeans who came on boats sought opportunities away from collapsing systems in the late 1800’s. As a native of Detroit, Michigan the owner has lived thru parts of this movie before…

Society today does not appreciate the refuge hard assets offer during great inflationary times in history.

Institutional scene watching wiz kids who have no direct skills may soon realize their could be too many keyboard warriors chasing the same expertise. MBA spreadsheet jockey’s from far away financial centers were a personal experience in the late 1990’s tech bull market. Often returning to meetings at Honeywell [physical location away from the production facility] crystallized disconnection from reality when these ‘consultants’ had never made anything in life…

Riding a less than ostentatious adventure bike thru middle America clarified the appearance of many chiefs and few Indians….

Benjamin Graham teaches us ‘Margin of Safety’ or balance sheet analysis > Virtues of Contrarian Value Investing.

Benjamin Roth [CPA] documented in “The Great Depression” how homes in Connecticut were often plowed over to remove liabilities.

Financier & company builder Frank Guistra recently commented on our summation of the massive distortion [Opportunity] in real industry far from Keyboard Warriors trading digital nothing:

TheHedgelessHorseman 🏇
"As to the miners and the #gold price... This is the greatest disparity I have seen in my entire career" 
- Frank Giustra

Understanding what is an asset vs liability when the scale of promises to pay by society become unattainable appears critical in the past. Travels thru Greece, Italy or Argentina help quantify the changes to residential real estate. Recent experiences back here in the home of the brave were evident looking at homes on the Finger Lakes in NY where taxes turned assets rapidly to the liability side of the ledger [Lex Mercantoria or Law Merchant].

Mission Thesis is intact for our Endeavor > Direct Ownership of income producing real estate in a Commodity Driven Frontier Market.

Our Wild > Card not appreciated is Tacit Knowledge. Direct experiences world wide in hard industry, travel & surf. We appreciate the unique cultures of new areas in New Hampshire as well as the coasts of Uruguay. It’s quite possible there may be some type of resurgence in Argentina with continued growth in commodity rich Brazil.

Hard for the young to understand the make up of the truly unsustainable fixed income market colliding with supply destruction in copper, silver or nickel. Gold is not a commodity and disappearing physically as the COMEX and London Markets trade contracts backed by no real collateral. Jim Rogers [Quantum Fund] noted how he walked away from the Mania in the late 1960’s and changed his life in commodities… Sir John Templeton was also a famous contrarian… we see this set up & possibly more asymmetry given current fundamental tectonic plates shifting…

More to come… getting ready for work. Keep your daily P&L cash flow and accretive… C.A.S.

As a general rule, it is foolish to do just what other people are doing, because there are almost sure to be too many people doing the same thing. - William Stanley Jevons

Yesterday completed the Cross Country tip from Pacific [Encinitas, California] to the Atlantic Ocean [Rye, New Hampshire].

Initial thoughts were to visit Cinnamon Rainbows Surf Shop which had moved from the beach area… so a visit to another local spot in elite Rye beach was the call of the day as heat was gathering.

Past experiences surfing the eastern coast with a 9’1” HP Yater were positive as most our tacit knowledge was round Rhode Island with a few experiences in Cape Cod & New Jersey > DelMarVA.

A stand up paddle trip in 2011

Not used to what we expected in Rye yet entirely plausible given the financial melt up PsyOp.

Extremely constructive boots-on-the-ground visual as we plan to build away from the masses. One of the Overly impressed crew there there stated ‘I live in Costa Rica’ which sounded great for someone who’s already lived an amazing life of building capital for others seeking perfect warm waves… Central America is largely discovered by lifestyle crews with few industries nor a heritage of entrepreneurial production … a primary reason we agree with Dr. Marc Faber on interesting cities in collapse like Rosario, Argentina.


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