Tacit Knowledge

The greatest of all gifts is the power to estimate things at their true worth.
- François de la Rochefoucauld

Arrogance diminishes wisdom. - Arabian Proverb

If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you’re misinformed. -Mark Twain

Discovering a new world or way of thinking is often only possible thru exploration or pushing oneself outside a contained system.

Learning you may not understand the world can be initially overwhelming but also most constructive.

Humility > Clarity > Introspection > Action.

Riding waves requires acceptance the energy from the ocean is in control > up to the surfer on how to navigate and impose weight on the board to ensure efficient trim.

Conceptualizing capital flow may best require savings 1st [skin-in-the-game] to eventually accumulate real assets out of interest [contrarian philosophy].

Many of these concepts not possible from an ivory tower institution or publications much less quick videos from sociopaths described as professional traders.

Escaping the chains of military service was a large part of my late 20’s… Seeing the world and learning I knew less than imagined. Humility was important. Crossing over to the corporate world while renovating a home in Arizona helped the accelerated learning pathway. Committing to a new ‘more than one life philosophy’ and packing gear to go for it in California alone was a significant crossroads.

Salient Point - Unaware of the capital markets or larger macro until my 30’s.

Studying for the Series 7 in Carlsbad, California helped illuminate how debt drives our current financial system. It’s the tail wagging the dog.

Learning to surf at the same time provided a healthy new dimension in a different medium > continued humility compared to younger people in the waves.


Learning to surf while managing capital with a NYC wirehouse with a renovation project in Arizona isn’t for everyone. Raising a family is probably more challenging. Many of my personal goals were extremely self centric. Opening up to new mediums or thought - considering the other side of the trade or worlds outside is the thematic statement here…

A new friend at the gym turned me on to my 1st financial newsletter by an author with an impressive background. The quality of direct content without any apologies using pure data [supply / demand] was extremely refreshing. When acting in a consultation position fundamental INFORMATION & ANALYSIS are paramount to success.

Reading about capital flow in a new world was akin to learning electrical engineering in many ways.. perhaps this is why the no collateral monetary aggregate are described as current > currencies.

321gold & gold-eagle dot com opened up other luminaires such as Richard Russell, James Dines & Doug Casey. 22 years later I now can say Richard Russell used to send me his newsletter for free on the way back from T2 61st floor on 9 One 1 as he shared an office within Morgan Stanley and I’ve been able to spend some quality time with Doug Casey around our properties in Uruguay.

> > > A mentor suggested I start some type of newsletter. The internet marketing world see ubiquitous experts online with their own publications. Having said this most of these people have never…

- Worked in a factory much less part of supply chain management [contracts].
- Acted for clients with a Fixed Income Desk to learn about credit markets.
- Purchased gold / silver bullion & coins for clients at levels in 2002/3 risking termination from their paymaster.
- Suffered complete humility over a past trauma & loss.
- Embraced County / State Gladiator Correctional Facilities as an Ideal ARC [attitude readjustment center].
- Lived overseas with commerce & owning skin in the game properties.
- Served as a Military Officer in former British East India Colonies engaged in commerce with East Asian culture.
- Enjoy nearly drowning or the humility of living thru another day based upon what floor you happened to be placed during a demolition [false flag event] where others were simply cannon fodder.


A prime motive for this journal was the opportunity to provide alternative / international ‘boots on the ground’ perspectives as we set forward to construct a business.  We see the corporate media, a non-objective entity which is estimated to control ninety five percent of all information provided to individuals world wide, as a great opportunity.  The ‘free press’ used to be considered independent in the United States with movies about Watergate (Woodward and Bernstein) to books questioning the Executive Branch of government (The Pelican Brief).  Today, a complex weave of international conglomerates around the world continues to dominate most all information and the tenor of the nation (here in the United States or former ‘Home of the Brave’) subscribing to a fear based mindset.

The Fourth Estate (or fourth power) was considered to be a societal, political force or institution whose influence is not consistently or officially recognized. ‘Fourth Estate’ most commonly refers to the news media, especially print journalism or ‘the press’.  The idea was that if the separation of powers (3 branches intended to act independently – trias politica) didn’t work the media was there as a media could provide a 4th check and balance.  It’s important to understand that the press used to sell publications with the intention that independent stories that would reveal injustice, fraud or real threats to our sovereign rights (not illusionary threats providing endless wars).

Real threats to commoners in North America is not taking Human Action [von Mises].

The so called bill of rights and constitution are empty documents as far as the state is concerned.  Once that concept is understood and why you can turn off the ‘4th Estate’ that provides the continual illusion that you have a choice if you chose a traditional method for change (voting).  Our method for change is action.

The U.S. Government is now leading the way as the greatest debtor entity in history as it’s balance sheet now reveals it is nearly $35 Trillion in debt.  It is mathematically impossible for this debt ever to be repaid as the future obligations are now accelerating to levels never imagined. As Rick Rule recently pointed out the NPV forward [off balance sheet] obligations of $120T are the most dire painting an even bleaker picture for those who are rigging 4 heavy weather.

What does this mean?  Why isn’t this discussed openly around the world?


  1. It is being discussed by wealthy independent people around the world.
  2. It’s specifically not being identified here in Western Financial Economies.
  3. International financial conglomerates are greatly benefitting.
  4. The currency you use is not money and is being devalued scientifically.
  5. Your rights are slowly being taken away from you on purpose.
  6. Legal & illicit drugs are encouraged to reduce thought.
  7. ‘Educational’ systems specifically don’t identify principals > Mental Conditioning.
  8. New media technological sources promote communal beliefs / cultural Marxism.

The nation state is a separate entity.  Today, many states which continue to restrict the movement of individuals and capital of individuals around the world are ‘in debt’ and dependent to private banking/financial institutions.  This is important to understand.  Not long ago you could travel freely and ‘immigrants’ were encouraged to come to new lands.

The disinformation is so complete today that many young people seem to think the concept of democracy ensures freedom.  Anyone with experience around lynch mobs can tell you there is no freedom in a demos (mob) – cracy (rule).  My friend’s passport says ‘Republica Oriental del Uruguay’ as the small country still considers itself a state based upon ‘rule of law’ (republic) to protect the minority (Oriental meaning ‘east’) .  The change for the media to use the term ‘democracy’ was intentional as the reason the United Nations started to adapt tan or khaki style camouflage for global nations in the 1970’s (in preparation for the endless war in a desert theatre).

We’re not ‘Republicans’ or ‘Democrats’ or a part of any organization.  We are not sociopaths looking to control other people.  It’s most important to understand what the intentions or proper definitions of all words and terms are so that you can better prepare yourselves for the ultimate ride.  It’s paramount to consider your source.

The term ‘understand’ comes from the courage to mentally or physically stand-under, referring to the proper process to analyze a core foundation, or philosophy, to build upon (a good builder stands below or inside a foundation to make sure it is set to withstand the weight and accuracy of the construction above).  When you build a structure much like attempting to comprehend a subject or  a philosophy it’s paramount that you do your groundwork.  When ‘laying plans’ [3] it is important to understand that all warfare is based upon deception.  We have considered that the manual for The Art of War is primarily written as an instructional manual for the state.  Know your enemy.

The media or 4th Estate should be seen for what is truly is; entertainment.  This is why a magician’s wand is made out of a specific type of wood from a tree called holly which has extremely toxic components hidden within the attractive leaves and fruit.

Motorcycle comes this week. Strength & Honor >

- Cristó

Notes > > >


Chevron hired a new young academic out of The University > Gifts to see others perspectives…

Doomberg [Hard Industry Energy Consultant] > ‘That’s how they do it at The University’ -

Law Decree - Central Agent Goals > Live by Paymaster - Syndicate -

Our thoughts are not our own… Good guys may not be virtous…

Opposite of Anti-fragile -Decentralization goals.

Mice 2 cheese

In my 20’s - travel and have fun. No idea of the markets

Trust in the system - corporations. Get a job

Questions we ask

Don’t recall not listening to elders… recency bias. Programming. Opportunity.

Deere & Co Interview - Consumption

Newsletters from Bob - The Reaper > 321gold > R.R. > Doug Casey

Alternative > Data Oriented

Richard sending me free 9/11 newsletters

Passed away when I was at VDF - Reading about the SDR changes in the back page…

“You needed wings on to stay above all the bullshit piling up…” - A. Now


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