Human Fulfillment

You only need one bull market to build life-changing wealth. And a new bull market may be knocking at the door – Rick Rule

I've seen gluts not followed by shortages, but I've never seen a shortage not followed by a glut. – Nassim Taleb

Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. - John Stuart Mill, Inaugural Address Delivered to the University of St Andrews, 02.01.1867

How does one find Spiritual Awareness? How do we align principled actions with equitable solutions?

Core Mission Statement for Baja California Sur is to help our Team Build & Preserve Capital while providing [Voluntarism] the local community with premiere quality products & services. As surfers we take heed of current conditions and ride the wave provided [macro economic conditions].

Humility, Clarity & Sound Philosophy assisted us with the selection of our properties and plans moving forward. Surfers must retain Awareness & Appreciation of Cycles > Similar Circumstances in Global Capital Markets.

Negative Real Interest Rates in the Western a world Economy is a Political Construct. We expect to see many Europeans this trip as the collective mentality of wealth confiscation has hit new achievements where the producers are literally engaging in a real life ‘Atlas Schrugged’ thematic statement.

Anyone not tuned into WWIII of Consumers vs Producers [savers with skin-in-the-game philosophy] may not be of the best mental health at this stage in the game.

Learning is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity, and a provision in old age.


Aristotle suggested impulsive individuals with little bearing lacking consistency of thought, clarity & action become misguided to the meaning of virtuous self existence. We could see much of this today in tactical thinking for those ‘just doing their job’ with no consideration to the larger picture possibly resulting in escaping the innate potentials of being human as to also lack true selfhood. “One whose desires and impulses are not his own, has no character, no more than a steam-engine has a character” [J.S. Mill] may have summed up the weekly grind of today’s generation of screen watching ‘professionals’ who may not generate real capital in today’s society.

Physical Real Estate Assets which much the public can see never go away in a bear market. The invisible owners change hands.

People are more interested in trade fluctuations and in pricing information than they are in value information which I think is to everyone’s detriment. So I want to talk to you about this market in a much broader context. - Rick Rule

Since the Financial Panic of 2008 The Western World has chosen to further depart from bottom up solutions [people] vs Top Down Force [coercion]. This philosophy of Cart before the Horse is readily acceptable & short term pleasant to those who live off the perceivable free ‘cornucopia’ of wealth centered in statist regions.

Unfortunately, history clearly stipulates a society who is entitled and makes nothing is easily gullible.


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