
Courage (risk taking) is the highest virtue. We need entrepreneurs. Courage is when you sacrifice your own well-being for the sake of the survival of a layer higher than yours. - Nassim Taleb [Skin In The Game]

Men are developed the same way gold is mined. Several tons of dirt must be moved to get an ounce of gold. But you don’t go into the mine looking for dirt. You go in looking for gold. That’s exactly how you can develop positive, successful people. - Dale Carnegie

The human being lives in the city, eats without hunger and drinks without thirst, gets tired without the body getting tired, chases its time without ever reaching it. It is a prison, a prison without borders from which it is almost impossible to escape. However, some human beings sometimes need to get back to their lives, to find a master path. Not everyone try, few succeed. - Walter Bonatti [Departed on September 13, 2011

Our visit to Annapolis in June 2022 seemed appropriate for a private 29 year reunion. Numerology is a respected alphanumeric system researching historic occult world developments and the owners felt a powerful presence returning to ‘The Yard.’

Narrative & Marketing are bedrocks of recruiting. Ironic noting the end of The Magnum P.I. series ended in a return to Annapolis labeled under ‘Resolutions.’ Never a big fan but strange how a Tiger’s hat was a staple given number 2’s birthplace in Detroit. Magnum, the former Navy quarterback held his own reunion on the yard unable to attend festivities with his class. Unlike the programming displayed on the military weapon called television a return to ‘service’ by this Graduate will be thru entrepreneurialism and services to our partners as we seek to provide utility & build real capital. 

Leadership podcasts > Lessons from USNA Graduates & Former Military appear in Vogue. How much of the criteria is Feeling vs Critical thinking?

How many graduates produce capital essential to the market for goods here in USA Inc [Act of 1871]?

Ideology, Bias & Dogma appear as Bread & Circuses of the Day vs Physics & Balance Sheets.

Entering Annapolis on a hot Sunday over ‘Oh Shit’ hill resulted in an opportunity to park outside Bilger’s Gate on Wager Street. Observing Gates 3 & 1 closed due the invisible I. G. Farben / Flexner Report fraud was our 1st shock. The Airport Security entry into USNA was a 2nd eye opener. Given the extensive security the situation called for a stroll in bare feet thru Rickets hall where we were asked to leave as a football player uniform fashion show was in session. Running down along the sea wall later to confidential spaces in the math & engineering halls. No security.

During the summer of 1987 a visit to USNA had me so impressed I felt it was the pace to be and lined up with the contrarian sentiment of the military being relatively unpopular at the time. Our experience in 2022 was the institution was on a new path for today’s warriors. Unlike ancient Sparta where children didn’t wear shoes and soldiers received only one cloak for a year [agility training teaching assets are ephemeral > live within their means], today’s Yard seemed in a boom around new buildings and festive clothing. Fondly recall making the Division 1 lacrosse team as a plebe where I was awarded a used pair of Adidas turf shoes back in 1989 which looked well worn back to the Joe Bellino days. Cycles -

We were considering a wedding in Annapolis in 2025. After our visit the Triton Light area by the USS Maine Mast was a favorite yet the resounding conclusion this isn’t the most spiritual of places for our connection. Too Kool Woke Annapolis was not our cup of tea and it appears the New World Order has most of the populace properly weakened / dependent. Summer crowds to be sure but other indicators not revealed here confirmed the thesis.

When the capital development of a country becomes a by-product of the activities of a casino, the job is likely to be ill-done. - JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES [1883-1946]

Flying out of CIA / OSS Dulles Airport seemed to confirm the Macro picture of Washington D.C. appear in ubiquitous quantities of screen watcher jobs as the new cooks with exportation of hard industry. Political managers of large corporations were all too efficient during decades of artificially low cost of capital deal with capital intensive industries. Jack Welsh of General Electric could be one of the pioneers of this transition during the boom of the Roaring 1990’s tech mania as one of USA Inc’s greatest conglomerates was transformed to a low grade hedge fund & Rockefeller Medical Services company. This USNA93 Grad’s 1st real industry experience was Honeywell CAS building systems for commercial aircraft witnessing the M&A and exportation of many processes. Negotiation of contracts and working with manufacturing for over 3 years was essential to envision the transformation of the economy to financial, medial & new techno ‘services’. 

Catherine Austin Fitts leververaged buy outs…

Delta between price & value in real assets vs financial promises to pay > What is your exit strategy?

Who has the scale to buy upcoming U$T Auctions in sheer volume?

Where does the Federal Reserve [private bank] obtain capital to monetize new debt auctions?

Our Humble experiences entail tacit knowledge from real leaders enabling others to build their capital stack.

A return to a place where one attained scar damage from constructive challenges could be emotional.

Show me an incentive and I’ll show you the outcome 

Bull / Bear psychology

Humbled- considering other side of a trade

Essential for young people to learn skin in the game

Outsourcing responsibility- no muy bueno-

Don’t tell me- Show me your portfolio 


In nature, when predators are scarce, prey rises in numbers. As their source of food increases, predators rise in abundance. While there is a large number of non critical thinking, non questioning people, there will be opportunists ready to exploit and manipulate them. The wolf in sheep's clothing is to be more feared than the enemy that is obvious and the trojan horse being set up as a trap, especially those bearing free gifts or convenience. One needs to look behind the veil and the controlled narratives. - 

Jeanee Andrewartha


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