
 Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.

- Helen Keller

Stand often in the company of dreamers. They believe you can achieve impossible things.

- Mary Anne Radmacher

Confronted by outstanding merit in another, there is no way of saving one’s ego except by Love.

- Johan Wolfgang Goethe

Negative real interest rates [not nominal] punish savers & reward debt, consumption & speculation.

Western Financial Nations do not employ capitalism or free markets by choosing to use Central Banks such as The Federal Reserve. This name was chosen by insiders as this entity is not Federal and there is no collateralized reserve for citizenry.

USA Inc declared Bankruptcy in 1933 ending a formal gold standard and ended convertibility to the dollar in 1971. It was illegal to own gold from 1933 to January 1st, 1975.

Most people mentally conditioned from insolvent government western schools believe they live in a free country.

Hard Money History dot com stipulates the consequences of eliminating collateralized / specie money eloquently…

The economic problems caused by unsound money are well known and well discussed amongst financial commentators who understand the problems in our monetary system.

What is not discussed quite so widely is the social harm.

Unsound money or fiat money causes distortions in the economy and gives us the boom-bust cycle.

The steady debasement of our currency is a transfer of wealth from savers and wages earners to those who own assets. It destroys the middle class.

But it also inflames consumerism, reduces the length and quality of life, elevates the state at the expense of the family and creates a generational and class divide.

Events leading up to the past 25 years world wide have been nothing less than extraordinary.

1997 - 1998 - Berkshire Hathaway acquired 129.7M ounces of silver warning of financial derivatives.
1998 - Long Term Capital Management collapsed from leveraged foreign debt losses [Asia / Russia].
1999 - Glass Steagall Repeal [1933 Banking Act].
2000 - 2001 - Secular Stealth Bull market in Gold Commences [denominator not used by chartists].
2008 - Bailout of Leveraged Financial Institutions / No Consequences.
2009 - Elimination of Mark to Market Accounting [Predictable Recent Banking Collapses].
2021 - End of 13 years of ZIRP - No Price Discovery of Capital [500 year intervention / distortion].

Greenspan Put > NYC joke > Continued Intervention > Central Bank Liquidity Chosen vs Free Markets, Accountable Actions & Responsible Balance Sheets.

Today > Asset Bubble, Consumption & Debt Economy Rules.

Screen Watchers & Traders. Most all hard industry exported including rational thought as no interest in replacing essential materials is considered.

Young people seem to think the materials 4 Tesla’s & Rad Power Bikes are made by Santa’s Elf’s.. Imagine the new leaders like Zach Flood of Kenorland Minerals choosing a contrarian path to serve what could be a bidding war in select elements on the periodic table set for backwardation [copper]. Geology and seeking real wealth is the no go now… Major Producers experiencing depletion daily is beautiful.

Paradigm Shifts aid in Moving the Needle. We didn’t create this Category 5 storm but plan to Ride the Ultimate.

Beneath the surface the real beast is the debt which can only be paid in 2 ways.

“There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt.” 

― John Adams 1826

We believe these are truly Halcyon Days staring at interesting times ahead… yet the sanguine financial sentiment for over 20-30+ years has created a generation of people who may be completely disconnected from nature / reality.

What does all this have to do with Posada Oceano & Baja California Sur en Manantiales, Uruguay?

The world needs capital. Negative savings rates destroy capital of producers. Young people need a plan. We Aim to be part of the solution.

The Western Financial Casino doesn’t wish to sober up. Fortunately for this small entrepreneur riding an TREK bicycle the current Mass Psychology > Statist Ideology has far exceed physical limitations. THIS OPPORTUNITY MAY BE PROVIDING AN ASYMMETRICAL OPPORTUNITY TO BUILD GENERATIONAL WEALTH.

The author lives in an area of California which greatly benefitted from current screen watcher DARPA Google Video Nonsense ideologies. Many experts here in Sophisticated Encinitas within the People’s Republic appear to despise the philosophy of individualism and real market physics. The rubber band has certainly been stretched to one direction.

Reversion to the mean alone means many are on the wrong side of The Titanic.

Asymmetrical Investing > One way to use Leverage without employing Margin to build capital.

Crisis > Opportunity

Front Running a select area of a market is possible when Speculation in the Casino goes Full FOMO. Unlike the 1970’s the Asian’s have most capital understanding counterparty, currency and credit risks. Legendary Jim Rogers is an example of retaining tacit knowledge in the credit & fixed income markets Understanding current political risks in NYC long ago thus choosing to raise his daughters in Singapore. [1]

Our purchases of properties for the business were an attempt to get ahead of the flow of capital to our area in Uruguay. Control of balance sheet expenditures & company collateral to best empower our staff and company will be to retain ownership of properties to ensure controlled expenditures thus focusing on quality of product / services.

Argentina has now come on the radar for our intrinsic value / contrarian views. The other project in James Dean Gas Station in a small Roacha Department town on Ruta 9 to Brazil is starting to see interest and may be a solution to a new venture.

Surfers study distant storm systems, cycles, buoys, spot topographic models of the sea floor, etc… We’re not economists but an essential awareness of current macro conditions seems paramount to our entrepreneurial model.

We aim to help potential investors of other operations & employees the opportunity to grow their skin in the game > working capital. We believe there may be similar asymmetry in select small towns in the Southern Cone near food production with style, infrastructure and family culture.

Possibility of acting as a conduit of capital seeking partial ownership of commercial real estate assets with historic valuation providing income by subsidiary companies. Older thesis to be updated with a fundamental layout can be seen on this link:

Off to Stand up Paddle Boneyards -



P.S. Current Chevron gig has been excellent to test market sentiment from all the expert Metaverse cubicle workers > Many self proclaimed leaders.

Gas Station Attendant Socratic Method [Sample Questions]:

- If all money created is debt and counts as principal, where does the money come from to pay interest on this debt?

- Why is gold not a commodity? Why the Golden State?

- What’s a Federal Reserve Note vs Specie Money?

- Have you ever worked in a manufacturing plant, farm or extraction industry?

- Who’s going to buy the upcoming U.S. Treasury Auctions at current scale?

- R.I.P. Sam Zell - His question: ‘What happens when the FX markets no longer wish to fuel the lifestyle of a society living beyond its means?’


Cover Picture - The 1960s Concept // The story of asymmetrical surfboards goes back to the 1960s.

San Diego-based board designer Carl Ekstrom was one of the first to experiment with the template in the longboard days.

He realized that conventional surfboards rode well frontside but tended to go forward and lock into the wave while going backside.

"I wanted more curve on the backside and a twist in the tail so that the tail would be higher on the heel side, so I designed the first asymmetrical surfboard," Ekstrom once said.

The goal was to get the most out of his frontside and backside skills to ride his local break, Windansea Beach.

So, in 1965, he blended his favorite frontside and backside board elements - rails and tail shapes - into one sophisticated board design.

Two years later, he was granted a patent (US3337886A) for the innovative surfboard shape.


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