Anti Fragile

When people panic, they ask their government to do something, and I’m terrified that my government will do something. The circumstances that we find ourselves in today cannot be cured by government. They were caused by government. My hope is that all of your [readers] read a wonderful book by Nassim Taleb about being anti-fragile, and understand that the way out of this circumstance is for everyone individually to look after himself and herself and their families and their friends and their communities. Build strength yourself. By strengthening each of ourselves as individuals and families, we strengthen our society organically. The circumstance that we find ourselves in can’t be solved by a policy response. It’s a consequence of policy responses. Don’t be looking to the collective to make you strong. Make yourself strong. Make your family strong, and the collective will take care of itself. What keeps me awake at night is the specter of increased government interference in private affairs. The fact that people have been trained that there is a Fed put, that Big Brother will take care of them rather than Big Brother will victimize them, that’s what keeps me awake at night. - Rick Rule

We see a high degree of academic research in countries that are wealthy and developed, leading us to think uncritically that research is the generator of wealth. - Nassim Nicolas Taleb

I come from the Gutter… and I’m not a compromiser. - Steve McQueen

R. Buckminster Fuller teaches us to not fight forces but to utilize them… Nice thing about coming back from the gutter with a higher level experience & perspective is the boots on the ground visualization of slight nuances in societal alterations from the ‘bottom up.’

As one enters 50 years of age the acceleration of change in mind & body becomes noticeable. Providing temporary services to companies witnessing the result of years of screen watching from cubicles without pushing the physical eventually meets the weighing machine in life. Not curb tonnage but body composition.

Major focus moving to Southern California was passion to learn to surf before it’s too late. Seeing the older guys who still go into the cold water on mornings is a clear beta test on where one is in life. Spiritual awareness entering the Pacific is as much a consideration as physical.

The passing of my Second Cousin & Mentor David Leddick has provided a reminder of a great life and continually redefining one’s self. More on this on the next post as a tribute but suffice it to say David was an inspiration to many in the creative world yet ensured to live by higher principles > The Golden Rule.

Advantages of utilizing this blog as a pilot for the book Front Runner is very few are interested in reading these days… much less reviewing specific websites on a card.

We have potentially found our solution to the restaurant / cafe below with gourmet tacos. Justin has been part of past outfits here in Southern California and pitched the name ‘Baja California Sur’ to ensure we stand clear of of established perceptions.

Could be a great call. We welcome creative expression, critical thinking & calculated risk. Pieces to the venture of building a real international business coming together.

Last 6-7 years have been a rebuilding process for this potential author. Goals for 2023 have been to embrace challenges & become uncomfortable daily…

The gold & resource markets are in check awaiting the coming unpleasantness as shown by the inverted yield curve. We are riding the wave the markets provide and accumulating the most hated gold optionality companies. Some of the prospect generators are awakening by contrarian deep value investors.

Most the public here at Chevron appear as sloths not ready for the coming battle.

New bicycle apparatus to the surf is a gift > Never forget the challenges of towing a heavier board.

Embrace Healthy Pain.

À bientôt



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