Front Runner

“The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses – behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights.”  - Muhammad Ali

 When you arise in the morning think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love ...”  Marcus Aurelius

“Don’t change horses mid apocalypse.” - Colorado Bumper Sticker

Contrarian Ideas - Bohemian Style - Principled Action

California Sur online will soon promote our future endeavor in Manantiales, Uruguay.

Current site is currently used to record ideas, document progress toward our goal and promotion of the book Front Runner. Any publication would essentially produced to document essential philosophies and strategies for successful action plans. An amalgamation of great works of mentors could help the youthful aspiring entrepreneur to the international speculator [Doug Casey].

There is more opportunity than ever. Find a passion. Storms everywhere because we have lost our heritage.

Arachán Capital junior resource stock portfolio nearly complete from secondary market sales in 2022. Front Runner will document the possible historic opportunity and potentially others as change accelerates.

“The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.”

– Marcus Aurelius, Meditations.


1. Introspection - Begin with the end in Mind
2. Heritage & Culture [stand under - he who controls the past… know thyself]
3. Philosophy - 
4. Cycles > Back to the Future [cycles] - State Intervention - Force > Distortions
5. Opportunities in Crisis / Contrarian [wealth transfer - living w/corruption]
6. Market Sentiment / Cognitive Biases [nothing new under the sun - mania]
7. Human Action - Equitable Solutions [making corruption your friend]
8. Balance [more than one life - art / physical] Travel > Tacit Wisdom 
9. Healthy Pain - Learning to Enjoy Feeling Alive with Natural Solutions
10. Service to Community > Producers [teaching to fish]
11. Inter-temporal Process > Roundabout [3 points/doing what, where & who]
12. Detachment from Centralization / Kill your Smart Device > Military Weapon
13. Final Solutions > Values - ‘Rational Buddhism’ [Naval]

Cycles - REAL vs Digital / GLD vs Physical

Lending / Equitable solutions [stream]

Financial leverage to achieve amplification of returns requires a harvesting strategy. We see many funds who borrow money on small sums of collateral seeking multiples on their capital as potential land mines everywhere.

Knowing thyself - Cognitive Biases list

Currently acting as an Elevator Operator / Chevron Gas Station Attendant and possible consultative sales representative in the Insurance Industry.

Politics- Everyone seems to want to be on a team or take sides - countries - instead of hone In on a sound philosophy 


 Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes." - Oscar Wilde

You are either a contrarian or a victim. * The lesson was evident as the steel handcuffs tightened down on our wrists. Harnessed to other inmates in preparation for transport to another ‘Reentry’ Facility down on the Mexican Border was instructive. Inmate politics ensured my departure from comfortable trustee status in a North County San Diego inmate center. A conversation over ethics and the corrupt principals of majority (mob) rule could have added to my acceleration back to general population wearing a blue uniform. Past experiences driving the pacific highway seeing the prisoner busses in black & white were now dreams. Never did imagine I’d reach the destination of losing all sovereign freedoms so swiftly. Facing a fearful chapter can be a tremendous gift.

‘When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.’ - Lao Tzu
*This prominent quote by a reputable resource investment manager best summarized my situation on a dark and cold evening in January of 2016
Vulnerable points exist all over the body but remember that the greatest number of them exist from the collarbones up. Within this relatively small area of the neck, you have: Two carotid arteries that feed blood to the brain.


 In challenging times its best to be grounded with many tools at one's disposal. Upon arrival of my new high tech gladiator home* I was approached by three young men with colorful tattoos exhibiting their heritage. Fortunately, a past client within the Navy Special Forces had instructed tactics when addressing such situations:

- When backed into a corner and prepared (few months of pushups & body preparation) one may be surprised what can be accomplished. A better understanding was established between my new friends regarding personal space and elderly respect.

7.5 years since departing Vista Detention Facility. Perhaps the completion of a personal ‘Daf Yomi’ described as the time required to read the Talmud one page at a time.

Our family came on boats as immigrants, different than migrants, seeking skin in the game in a new world.

This Book has to be put together quickly as I'm currently working 2 jobs in sales consulting and as a Chevron gas station attendant in the evenings. 

The comeback has been proceeding but the loss of spirituality in the summer of 2021 - all led by hubris & ego - ensured another chapter in the saga of self-sabotage.

The cool thing about going for it in life is that you may have some incredible experiences. Passions as a young boy were to be somewhere between Frank Lloyd Wright and Tom Curren [U.S. 3x surfing champion & artist].

Clarity & Introspection:

Important to review ones wins, losses and where they were simply lucky. Lou Holtz was correct in ‘Luck is when preparation meets opportunity’ to some extents but humility should play a large part of stepping back to asses the grand chessboard.

How do you store your energy?

Mining Majors - "Assets are Ephemeral"  - Robert Friedland

Revenge of the Miners -

Most Brokers think a ham sandwich comes from the refrigerator.

From 1882 to 1933, the United States used gold certificates as paper currency. You could convert them into gold coins. The US, during that period, had a backed currency – backed by gold.

Specie or collateral currency ensures discipline. We have none today.

A decade of zero interest rate policy ended in a crescendo of Greed & Fear.

Rotation from Ponzi Growth Promise to Pay > Value


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