F 1 Sushi

  "From success, you learn absolutely nothing. From failure and setbacks conclusions can be drawn. That goes for your private life as well as your career." - Niki Lauda

"I continuously go further learning about my own limitations, my body limitation, psychological limitations. It's a way of life for me." - Ayrton Senna

If you are reading this Blog - W E L C O M E.

Plans to open Posada Oceano / California Sur by 2025. Speaking with a potential architect friend and plans could be acted upon with current renters.

Arachán Capital seeking future commercial real estate. M + Brewing & Edge Taco Bar as subsidiaries.

Plans to integrate F1 Sushi into Tower 1 of the cafe upstairs at T H E - E D G E & around ‘The Tree’ at Base Level T1. Design of the Three Lifeguard Style Towers for the Posada / Cafe mix is proceeding.

A favorite movie is RUSH [Lauda vs Hunt]. Art locally built in San Diego will embrace the Senna Helmet behind our Casks / Steel Kettles. Our current Greek style white kitchen will embrace the Yellow & Green which also helps to encourage the respect of our Brazilian Clientele / Clientela.

C + H

Post Script - Currently building our Side Project of World Storm Rider dot Com. Intentions aimed at connecting Riders of the earths energy as well as systems beneath the surface in the western securitized world.

“The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion. - Thomas Paine”


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