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Contrarian Ideas - Bohemian Style - Principled Action

No one is to be called an enemy, all are your benefactors, and no one does you harm. You have no enemy except yourselves. -  St. Francis Of Assisi When I was a young man, I fell from social grace, or rather was pushed into deep water. Thereafter I became a rebel of the society that had so taken advantage of a well meaning youth. I soon found that even deep water supports a rebel, if he has the will and ability to swim, regardless of race, color or creed. At times I found the water good, better than the land I was cut off from; the blessings of nature, superior and more honest and productive to happiness than the striving to conform: was thus I came to know my god. - Tom Blake, July 16, 1968 Character + Chance = Success > >  Entrepreneurship is about solving problems, not making money. -  Nr Narayana Murthy

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