I like putting all my eggs in one basket and then watching the basket very carefully…. What a company's been earning doesn't mean anything. What you have to look at is what people think it's going to earn. If you can see something in two years is going to be entirely different than the conventional wisdom, that's how you make money. - Stanley Druckenmiller Intuition is a very powerful thing - more powerful than intellect, in my opinion. - Steve Jobs As long as a man trades his warrior instinct for entertainment, his soul will not be satisfied. He will be perpetually bored, searching for a way to kill time and quell his longings. A man who’s consumed by his mission, however, who knows what life is about and his part to play, doesn’t need a distraction. His life is the adventure. - John Lovell; The Warrior Poet Way: A Guide to Living Free & Dying Well U N D E R. C O N S T R U C T I O N January 1995 > Two shipments of wolves arrive in Yellowstone National Park fro...